There is a lot I could attempt to say about how my identity shapes up my artistic works, but there are doubts regarding how much I actually know, to be honest. I'm only sure of the following: as the oldest of 5 siblings from a first-gen immigrant low-income family that has roots in at least 3 different countries, all oddly distanced from each other, my art implicitly deals with the difficulty of accepting the responsiblities one has to take up when living a transient, inconsistent lifestyle.
an older work of mine- a rose flower with pink-and-yellow-colored petals, surrounded by colorful, soft, organic shapes |
Explicitly, though, my art often zooms into topics that provoke difficult-to-describe feelings. Being a highly introverted (and, for some time, outcasted) person ever since childhood, objects and subjects that provoke emotions for people around me are often not reaching my heart to nearly the same extent. One of my favorite childhood activities was to crawl underneath the stems of tall flowers growing near my apartment complex, and feel the nature around me with all my senses, while other kids of my age would be chasing each other on the playgroud. Even now, my physical artworks are often intended to be felt with more than a single sense; through New Media and Installations, I hope to continue creating artistic narratives that provide a sensually immersive experience.