Today I was able to get my ass up and start importing everything into Blender. So far I have this: Does not look impressive whatsoever, but I am pretty happy with it. However, the bigger issue is that the animation itself is gone! I have spent an hour trying to import it into Blender in a few different ways, but it seems that I cannot get it to have a transparent background. I blame Steve Jobs. Okay, so there are two options from here: I try just one more way of importing an mp4 with a transparent background. If that don't work, I'll have to import my animation frame by frame... Fortunately, there are only 15 or so of them. Still, ew. In addition to that, I've more or less "finished" my soundtrack for the animation and have started to work on both of the other scenes. The soundtrack is odd, and I'm not really sure I'll include it at this point, but I'm happy with how the two other scenes are looking. They should not take me long, the whole process is ...